
Journal of Research & Analysis
ISSN 2347-3185
International Journal of Research and Analysis
International Journal of Research and Analysis

About Us

International Journal of Research and Analysis

     The broad aim of this journal is to provide an environment for considered discourse in the growing field of study, whilst such discourse will generally be from an academic perspective; we also welcome material that stresses the practical dimension.The journal also contains a diversity of materials including peer reviewed and non-refereed articles, commentaries, work in progress articles, book reviews, and conference reports and papers, as well as information papers, news and details of global conferences.

      The key objective is to focus on knowledge that facilitates and fosters capacity and capability building for academicians. This focus is seen as encompassing pre-doctoral and doctoral levels and beyond to include career development, leadership and mentoring.




A1 Communication



Dr.Sharath Raj, BAL,LL.B,LL.M,Ph.D.



Members of Editorial Board

1. Dr.Mahadeva Prasad

2. Dr.Vishnuvardhan

3. Dr.Varshini

4. R.Kumar






Technical Team
